Ever imagine this stunning moment when you pull off your shirt and your have girls staring at what come next? having six pack is one of the best features of a sexy guy. without these lady killer sort of thing...a sexy guy is yet to be born.
Aside from the 'Jaw dropping' thing it does for the girls, it also build confidence and courage in you.
Everywhere you turn, someone's promising the next secret to getting 6 pack abs. Remember if you want to see your six-pack, you will be wasting a lot of time doing just crunches. Some of these so called "secrets" have some degree of accuracy, while others have very little. Deciphering which methods are the best for getting those rippling abs you've always dreamed of is critical to achieving this goal..
Sculpting a decent four-pack requires tenacity and its quiet demanding, but it's craves out your lower abs to complete The Magnificent Six that really takes some dedication. And not just in the gym. Its not really demanding if you have the right information and technique for getting your dream body shape....worry less i got your back on this!!..just follow this steps and there you go...
1. Avoid refined and processed foods wherever possible.2. Try to eat six times a day – around every three hours.
3. With every meal, use a portion of protein as your base. Think eggs, fish, chicken, and other lean meats.
4. Between meals snack on nuts, seeds, avocado, olives, or small bags of snap peas.
5. For breakfast and your second meal, make sure you get some starchy carbs – oatmeal, rye, or sprouted bread – and a piece of fruit.
6. For lunch, sweet or regular potato, brown rice and quinoa are all excellent options.
7. For your evening meal, try to get some veg – but avoid root veg and any starchy carbs.
8. Drink lots of water.
9. Every 10 days give yourself one cheat meal. It can be anything you want. This might seem strict, but if you’re trying to reveal your abs in just four weeks such gastronomic sacrifices are necessary.
Exercise your core muscles.
Once the fat on top of your abs is gone, you'll need washboard abs to be underneath. In the comfort of your home, you can exercise your core muscles -- it helps posture, too!
The plank: You can't just focus on what's on top -- it's what's behind your abs too -- your back! And doing the plank works both. With your forearms on the floor and your toes into the ground, lift up your core and thighs off the floor. Make sure your elbows are in line with your shoulders. To do it right, keep your butt and abs flexed.
The reverse crunch: Upper abs are easy; it's the lower ones that are hard. This exercise is much like a crunch, but with your feet in the air. To start, put your arms at your side, keeping your palms down. Place your knees over your hips, using your abs to place your body. Instead of moving your head toward your knees, move your knees toward your head. Hold your knees briefly as close to head as possible and then lower them back towards the mat.
The Bicycle: This exercise targets your back and sides, in addition to your upper and lower abs. Lie on a soft surface like a yoga mat and make a pedaling motion in the air. Alternate raising shoulders toward the opposite knee. Make sure to work both sides evenly. 2 sets of 12 reps is a good place to start.
Blast fat with cardio.
The absolute quickest way to get rid of fat is cardio. While it's important to do cardio and it's important to work with weights, it's most important to do both in tandem. You need to burn and blast away the fat to see the results you want.
This doesn't necessarily mean running. Swimming, boxing, cycling, and tennis are also great alternatives (amongst many) if you don't feel like hitting the concrete.
Consider high intensity interval training. Most studies have shown that the benefits of cardio are amplified when done in intervals. Work out as hard as you can for 30 seconds, relax for a minute, and repeat 9 more times. And you'll get your workout in super quick.
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