Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Val Day: Why Gift All The Time? Gift Have Thier Limits. - Try This Instead!!

Image result for man think best gift for girr

It doesn't have to be material things all the time. There are alot of romantic ideas around you. All you need to do is think out of the box. Be unpredictable, be full of surprise; Availability (being there always) is the key to any strong relationship. It kills distance; when it comes building intimacy and strengthen the textile of love, the definition of distance is not only limited to being miles away from each other. You can actually be in the same room with your partner while the connection between you two is like a century away. I know you've been thinking of a way to make it better. You see this love season as your (making it better n romantic) possible chance. Yeah its one of those few days.

 Lots of ideas storming your mind but unfortunately, your ideas are kinda expensive. yet, you wanna make her/him happy.
 I know how complicating that thought can be
 Especially when you guyz just settled an argument..or there is this rich dude crushing on your bae and you wanna try everything you know to let her remain your bae.

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 When complicated issues like this set in, lots of crazy ideas to get the required cash also follows; Selling your nearest property, getting hooked in some shitty business that might end up getting you in trouble. You don't need all this. You don't have to stain your personality for your bae. It will eventually make matter worst.
 I think the whole post is getting boring already. Don't blame me, it's the usual writer instinct. You can't just help not being detailed. let me spill the bean already. The only thing you can do to make this upcoming val one of those rear days your partner will never forget and at the same time SPEND LESS... is TIME!!

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Dedicate that special day for him /her. Terminate all your appointments. Reschedule you programs against tat day.
Don't give room for suspicion. Be unpredictable.
Let him/her know you actually cancelled all your programs just to have a great moment with her.
Now, try this moves to finally get the best out of the day.

Image result for man cooking girlfriends meal
•Prepare her best breakfast. (best way to say Goodmorning!)•

 Image result for couples watching movie together
•watch him/her favorite movie•

Image result for man cooking girlfriends meal
 •cook her best dish•

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 •Play him/her favorite song•

Image result for guy doing funny thing for woman
•be the funniest guy on earth for that day•

Image result for man compliment girlfriend
 •Tell her she's the most beautiful creature you have ever seen•

Image result for man and woman playing rough
 •play nasty games like you guys are 5years old•
 •cuddle and go through old pictures together•

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 •Tell her how important she is to you•

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 •Tell her how much you love  her•

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 •Ask for forgiveness for all the messy things you've done in the past•

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 • most importantly, let her feel you•

 •Give it to her like she never had it•

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